Arrangements orders

Order by phone, fax, mail or e-mail transmission. In order to provide you with the most efficient service, we ask that all orders be confirmed in writing to avoid any erroneous communication. Please specify style, product number, color, number and specific instructions related to shipping, plating or special services.

Minimum order requirements

Product-specific order requirements please contact us.

Delivery time and price

All prices are FOB Guangzhou. Prices are subject to change, please be confirmed by orders.

Cancel & return

If there is a need to cancel, please inform one of our working days from order confirmation. We reserve the charge which has already begun production run, or the cost of the project for special rights. Request a refund for any item, please following the receipt of the goods 3-5 working days to inform us. We will only assume responsibility for manufacturing defects.

Sample orders

Customers can order samples. The time required for sample orders will be different products and sizes, such as calling for a decision.

Customer Satisfaction

In order to realize customer satisfaction, we will not collect any additional costs to replace any person who is recognized as the manufacturing process caused by defective products. After receipt of the goods, customers must inform us of any defects in goods

Company Reputation

Our company is well known for its hight qualities.You can find our product trustwothy and competitive. We try everyrthing possible to prevent defetive commondities from going abroad.